Leaving 2016 Behind | Highlights and Resolutions

Monday 2 January 2017 • 4 comments

2016 will most likely go down in history as one of the most miserable for the world overall, in a rather long time. It's easy to focus on all the negative changes that have taken place, and to forget all the incredible things that have happened. 

Personally, it's been one of the best years of my life, and I've enjoyed reflecting over what has made it so special, and reminding myself that it's not all bad! It's led me to base my resolutions about bringing the best of 2016 into 2017.

Seeing London in all its glory

This year I've really tried to make the most of living in London, and to take every opportunity which has come my way, which has resulted in me seeing so much of the beautiful city I call home.

From summer evening picnics in Regents Park with friends, to gigs in weird and wonderful locations, to a rooftop BBQ in Brixton, to cocktails at the top of the Shard, and experiencing London in all its tacky Christmas glory, I feel that I've done the city justice this year. Going into 2017 I'm going to carry on living like a tourist and a local to see as much as I possibly can!

Travelling as much as I can

I've been incredibly lucky to have visited Copenhagen, Paris, Toulouse, Peru, and to go on a cruise around the Mediterranean. Travelling is without a doubt my favourite thing to do and to spend money on, and a resolution for 2017 is to say yes to any opportunity to travel.

There's no better way to experience the marvels of the world and to learn something new about different cultures and ways of life. If only I could spend all year visiting new places, I would be a very happy girl!

 Volunteering for charity

My personal highlight of 2016 was travelling to Peru to trek the Andes for the charity AiDS Orphan. Spending two weeks in the most spectacular country I have ever visited truly was life changing, and it's something I'll never forget.

Knowing the money I raised went straight to some of the most vulnerable children in the world was incredible, and it inspired me to do more for this amazing charity. Since then, I've been working as their Volunteering Coordinator, and I've completely loved it. I'm vowing to continue this in 2017, and do as much good as I can when I'm out in Kenya in August. 

Working more on blogging and writing

As you might have seen, I spent a brilliant four weeks as Look magazine's fashion intern, and seeing how one of my favourite magazines is put together, and actually getting to contribute to it, was so exciting. I helped out on fashion shoots and was lucky enough to be published in the magazine and online- seeing my name in print was definitely a highlight of 2017!

I've been happy with the fashion posts on my blog this year, but I'd like to most more regularly and do more street style shoots, so watch this space...

Spending time with friends

2016 has been a funny one for me with friendships, but I've come out of it feeling so much happier with the people I have in my life, and I can truly say I love each and every one of them.

I had some real issues with friends towards the start of 2016, and the presence of toxic people in my life was beginning to affect me, so once I realised I didn't need these people in my life, I was much happier. Instead, I focussed on the friends I really valued, and through the year I've met a few incredibly special people, all of whom contribute so much to my life.

So in 2017, I want to spend more quality time with the people I love, and be open to meeting new people. 

Exciting times are ahead, I can't wait to see what the year has in hold for me!

Honor xxx


  1. Love this post, and absolutely love your positivity <3 Please do more street style posts, especially on your semester abroad! <3

    Lois | www.aworthytrend.com xxxx

    1. Thank you so much! I'm definitely going to try and find someone else at my uni who's into blogging so we can do photos together.

      Love the new blog design as well!

      Honor xxx

  2. Your photos look great hun! Yes I was able to travel alot last year too! I'll be taking the time to focus more on my blog and finances this year so probably wont be going as many holidays. Great post!

    Foirell | www.citygirlrell.com

    1. Aw thank you lovely! It's definitely amazing to do, but is a drain on money sadly. Hopefully you'll have some saved up to go on holidays the year after!

      Honor xxx
