OOTD | Nautical Inspired

Tuesday 31 May 2016 • 2 comments

Recently, I'm not sure why my work wages bother going into my bank account, they honestly might as well just go straight to Zara... 

I'm just loving their summer collection so much- more than anywhere else on the high street at the moment. I recently went to Oxford Street having just been paid to try and update my summer wardrobe, but the only place I bought anything from was Zara. (Oh, and Topshop, but that was for new underwear and I think my mum would disown me if I ever blogged that.)

A Slight Lifestyle Change | Plus Avocado Brownie Recipe

Saturday 28 May 2016 • 2 comments

I can hardly believe how long it's been since I last uploaded, two months is ridiculous!

In this time, my life seems to have changed so much in so many ways. I've got a job, found a house in London, lost and gained friends, finished my first year of university... It's crazy how everything seems to happen at once!

I lost a bit of motivation to blog, and have been so busy with revision that by the time I finished working, the idea of writing another word seemed impossible. But recently I've got into a whole new productive and positive outlook, and I'm so ready to be updating my blog regularly. The prospect of a summer in London, and travelling is super exciting, and I finally have a new camera to document it all properly.