How To Make The Most Of Being On Your Own

Monday 16 January 2017 • 2 comments

I have never been one to binge watch series on netflix, or to relish a duvet day and the prospect of not leaving the house. I'm more of a 'how can I pack the most into today and not have any free time' kinda person, and to be honest, I actually find stopping still and relaxing really difficult. That's not to say I don't have those days where I just want to curl up in bed and not face the world, but normally my days are full of people and socialising, which is the way I like it. 

So moving to Oslo, where I knew nobody, and had a rather sparse timetable of classes, I figured I had to get better at being alone with my thoughts, and having some down time. So for you all you crazy busy people at there who'd rather run around rather than chill, this post is for you!

1. Go for a walk and get some fresh air

Faced with a completely free Sunday, I decided I would make the most of this opportunity and explore somewhere that lots of people have raved about, Sognsvann Lake. It's in the north of Oslo, and is one of the most beautiful places I've seen. The paths were dusted with snow, and the lake was completely iced over, with people skating, walking, and sledging across it. Walking across and looking down at the frozen depths was a surreal experience!

It's something so refreshing to be along with your thoughts and your camera, and to explore somewhere you haven't been before. There were families playing and people walking around, so I didn't feel truly alone, and it was therapeutic to have some exercise and just feel at peace with the world. (Slightly cringe but you get me)

2. Try out a youtube exercise video or yoga tutorial

I know, we've all been told about a million times since Christmas that we should all be healthy and exercise lots because it's the new year and all that. But legit you should try these videos even if it's just to laugh at the cringe company which accompanies some of these videos. Like that perfectly toned gorgeous person talking about how they need to blast their fat after going nuts at the weekend and you're like um have you ever eaten chocolate in your life. (I mean, well done them that's awesome, but I'm kinda like if you saw this food baby I'm sporting you would understand the necessity to 'melt that muffin top' or whatever)

I love doing chilled yoga/meditation videos before bed to wind down and relax, and you can kid yourself that you're super wellness and zen. Plus endorphins from exercise make you happy and all that, so if you're like me and you feel a bit meh about not having people around, it might make you feel a bit more positive.

3. Treat yourself to a coffee

You know that super cute little coffee shop you always walk and keep meaning to try out sometime? Go take yourself on a date, bring a book or your laptop, and curl up in a cosy spot with something yummy. For a place as freezing as Oslo, I wasn't surprised to learn that there was a shop dedicated to hot chocolate, but I was definitely glad to hear about it! A friend recommended Cocoa which is in Grunerløkka, the studenty/hipster area and my favourite place to wander around due to the copious number of parks, vintage shops and bakeries.

If you can think of a flavour that might go with chocolate, they probably had it there. It was such an eclectic, quirky places, with mismatched mugs, vintage looking chairs and amazing kanelboller. (I don't think I've done a post since being here which hasn't mentioned pastries.... oops. Maybe I'll have to do a post about my search for the perfect kanelboller- all in the name of research and blogging. Promise)

4. Do something you keep meaning to do but never do

I don't know about you, but I have a Netflix to watch list longer than my essays, a pile of books by my bed which easily reaches the top of my bedside table, and a bookmark folder on my laptop of at least 100 recipes I like the look of. So scroll/search through those things you definitely have the intention of doing, and do it! Plus, it's strange, but I feel strangely productive after watching a movie all of my friends have told me I need to see, despite the fact I haven't moved from my bed in two hours. Student life lol.

I'm sure there's a million other things you could do, but these are four things which have really made me love my own company, and look forward to being back in my flat.

Love, Honor xxx


  1. These are all such amazing tips! That's so incredible that you moved somewhere you didn't know anyone - good for you!

    xo, Liz

    1. Thank you! So glad you liked them. Was definitely scary moving here, but I really love it now.

      Honor xxx
