Two Days in Berlin

Sunday 18 February 2018 • No comments

Buying £9 flights to Berlin when you're a little wine drunk with your friend may not be the most practical thing ever, but hey everything happens for a reason and you're only a student with 4 hours worth of lectures a week once right?! 

I'm very thankful for that bottle of Sauvignon Blanc which cost more than my flight, because Berlin has got to be one of the coolest cities I've visited in a while.

The word cool gets chucked around a lot, but Berlin really embodies- it's full of edgy, beautiful people, bars where the furniture is on the ceiling, pop ups and vintage shops, and of course the nightlife is infamous.

Spontaneous Sightseeing in Singapore

Saturday 20 January 2018 • No comments

It's official, I'm a little bit greedy when it comes to travelling. The second I'm back from a trip (or even still during one...) I'm planning where else I can go. I've got an ever-expanding bucket list of about thirty places I'm desperate to visit, and I'm determined to get through.

Travelling's one of the most important things in my life, I get restless staying in one place for too long, and I'm always dreaming of some far off exciting land. It's what makes life exciting in my opinion. It's experiencing a whole new way of life you never could have imagined, or seeing landscapes conjured straight out of your daydream, or an assault to all of your senses which hits you in one go. Whatever your experience, I think you're changed and shaped by every trip you make, from the people you meet, to the sights you see. 

You'd think that in this increasingly global world, people would be becoming more open and welcoming to others from all walks of life, but it doesn't seem to always be the case. So many people are closed minded, and shut off to any possibilities, taking out their fears and resentments on anyone who is different to them. But I think travelling is the best way to open your mind and change your perspectives, and make you realise that the world is far bigger and more amazing than you possibly could have fathomed.