Happiness Toolkit | What Makes Me Get Up Every Day

Monday 6 March 2017 • 2 comments

My yoga instructor is a bit of a babe, if only for the reason that at the start of every class, he talks about things which always get me thinking and contemplating, which then often leads to inspiration for a post. The other day he was discussing the concept that if we can identify what makes us happy, then we can replicate this every day and always be content in life.

Although I love the sentiment, this seems a bit simplistic to me. Life throws curveballs at us, or it may not be possible to recreate exact situations which brought you joy. A hedonistic lifestyle and simply living for pleasure may sound appealing initially, but we all know this is unrealistic and unsustainable. However, this got me thinking about what really makes me happy. Like an inner glow, little knot of anticipation and excitement within me, involuntary smiles and the contentment of my cat stretching out decadently on the sofa, bathing in the soft glow of the sun.

Lying on a beach, book in hand and a pina colada next to me; reaching the top of Machu Picchu in time to see the sunrise over the magnificent peaks; winter walks with my family in the countryside, far away from everything; dinners with friends where you talk about anything and everything; all of these are moments when I'm at my most elated. I realised that specific as these moments are, I could clearly see the things which complete my life.

(Side note: does anyone else find selecting pictures for your post far more difficult than actually writing it?! Like, is this relevant/interesting/aesthetically appealing? Idk, I just know I like this jacket and the fact that I'm smiling so much my eyes disappear, so there's a highly tenuous connection to this post)

1. Creativity

A friend of mine was told me that they weren't that fussed with music, and they could easily live without it. This BLEW my mind. The idea of life without music, without lyrics which speak deep into your soul, without melodies which dance around your mind for days, without sweaty bodies pressed together and being joined for a single glorious moment screaming out the words to your favourite song at a gig; is incomprehensible to me.

Whether it's singing my heart out, or sitting in the dark with headphones on discovering new songs, I almost permanently have music on. I have a soundtrack to my life like in a film, and my mood is always reflected in what I'm listening to. It's a form of expression, and a mood lifter, like someone's voice lifting you high when you're low.

It's the same with reading for me- since I can remember I lived half my life fighting demons, wielding wands, dancing the waltz in an English ballroom, or venturing across desolate landscapes. I never go a day without reading, and I can't imagine life without it. Stories in all their forms sustain life- the same goes for theatre and films.

I think a life without the arts would be an extremely bleak one.

2. Travelling

Ah wanderlust, you've really got your claws into me. As if moving to another country wasn't enough, I'm always overcome with the desire to explore more of my surroundings, both close and further away. For me, there is nothing more fulfilling than meeting new people, experiencing alternative ways of life and seeing unforgettable sights. 

Reminiscing over a trip, and laughing at the memories photos evoke, and being so excited about a trip that you're continuously trawling blogs and magazines to find out what to do- both are a special and unique form of pleasure.

In fact, I'd say that most highlights in my life have been when I'm on holiday or travelling. I'm not one to stay in a single place for long, and nothing makes me happier than seeing an endless sky filled with stars, or a deserted beach with storms whipping the sea into a frenzy, or seeing colours and people so vibrant and bright that you just feel alive.

3. Spontaneity and excitement

I'm not too much of a planner, although I organise things like trips and I consider the future when making key decisions, I like taking each day as it comes and having the freedom to say, hey, I'm just going to traipse off to the Arctic in a few weeks with a group of strangers.

I like continuously being surprised and amazed by things, of thinking about going to one place, then suddenly going somewhere and experiencing something wondrous. Being flexible and open to anything may not always be possible, but it keeps everything exciting and fresh.

It could be the smallest thing, like my friend and I's lunch trip which turned into a massive sightseeing day trip in London, or bigger, like applying to study abroad because why not. It's the unexpected, and trying out new things which makes me love living.

4. Having friends and family you can rely on

All the things I've mentioned are essentially in making me crazy, knowing no bounds happy, but when it comes down to it, all I really need are a few people I love and can trust to always be there for me. The extras are all amazing, but unconditional love and support is the key to a happy life in my opinion, and making sure that every day those closest to you know that.

Honor xxx


  1. I actually keep re-reading this post again and again because I think your writing is so unbelievably beautiful and so vivid. Thank you for sharing your happiness toolkit - what a brilliant idea for a post.

    Lois | www.aworthytrend.com


    1. Oh thank you so much, that really means a lot to me! Glad you liked the post <3

      Honor xxx
