It's The Little Things In Life

Saturday 4 June 2016 • 2 comments

So many things that make people happy are really personal to them, and although holidays, days out and grand gestures are all amazing and lovely and should never be overstated, today I stopped to think about how it's the small things that really brighten my day.

I thought I'd compile a list of things that made me smile, in the hopes that it might make you realise how wonderful every day can be, even if it's not something huge and out of the ordinary.

(Lol I sound so optimistic and like I live in happy clappy land, but in reality two hours ago I was on FaceTime moaning to my best friend about how shit I felt. And it was after I hung up on her, and had spoken to my mum that I realised I felt a million times better, and that it's the people I love which make my life, and how I don't appreciate them enough.)

So without further ado, or inane ramblings which I wouldn't blame you for skim reading over, here is my list of things which make me smile.

1. Visiting or calling to a best friend or family member

This one gets first place because it's what got me thinking about this post. Whenever I'm a big ball of stress and feel like the world hates me (which tbf it does sometimes because why does bad stuff always happen on the same day?!), I remember a stupid saying my mum once said to me- 'A problem shared is a problem halved.'

And you're probably reading this being like yawn... cliches/stereotypes/whatever, but it's honestly so true, and it helps me on bad days more than anything else. 

But if you're having a great day, sharing it with someone is the best thing ever, and hearing someone you love being happy is just super lovely.

2. Getting a cute text

Getting a text saying good morning from someone literally makes me grin at my phone like a moron, and honestly brightens my whole day. 

Whether it's a friend, mum, grandma, cute boy, cat (sigh in my dreams I wish I could text my cat I miss him), a reminder that someone's thinking about you is one of those things that I appreciate the most. 

Also people tagging you in posts which they think you'll find funny, or sending you a photo that reminded them off you... These are the things that get me strange looks walking over Blackfriars Bridge on the way to work because I'm honest to God beaming like a goofball at my iPhone but oh well who cares I'll never see those people again.

3. Cat cuddles

Now I've mentioned my cat I feel like this post wouldn't be complete without him. Doesn't have to be a cat, but a hug from a furry friend is always amazing.

4. Magazines being sold for £1

Very little needs to me said here, except woo Grazia was on sale this week and it's sitting next to me now calling my name and omg I'm so excited to read about Amal Clooney and the new florals and all this random stuff.

5. Nailing your eyeliner/hair/eyebrows/nail varnish

No exaggeration, if I have super shiny glossy straight hair where you can't see my split ends, I strut along the pavement like it's a cat walk tossing my head around for all the world to see.

I'm aware I probably look like a bit of a knob tbh, but who cares I'm feeling fabulous, and when I feel good about myself, I love the feeling of confidence which comes with it.

So if you've managed to nail that winged eye liner, you work it today and go and be gorgeous.

(And also please tell me your ways because I suck at getting that perfect flick.

6. Cooking and baking and just food in general tbh

Idk food just makes me happy man. Like when you open the fridge and are sad to find you only have one egg left but crack it and two of those yolks pop out, it's these silly little things which make me go aw yeah life is good today.

Plus, for me, baking and cooking is so therapeutic and I feel all productive and bloggery and super cool even though I'm covered in flour/oil and look like I've never heard of a shower. It's just fun, especially when you make something different and amazing and feel like a total boss at life.

(Sadly the above pizza was not one of those. Me and my bestie tried to make healthy pizzas with a cauliflower base... with no blender. So we ended up putting cauliflower in her smoothie blender and by the end were just like NO IM SO DONE SCREW THAT and whacked a lumpy base in the oven. Then it got stuck to the baking tray and so I ended up with an upside pizza so every bite was a surprise. Like I had no idea what topping would be ending up in my mouth. Looked like shite, but tasted kinda yum so yay- half win.

7. Going out for food and having it actually look appetising

So after I've gone and said all that, ngl basically my favourite thing is going out for food and have it looking all yummy. Doesn't have to be super expensive, but grabbing something on your own and having a mini foodgasm, or meeting a friend for a meal is just the best.

Recent highlights for me include; Cereal Killer Cafe in Camden (I know it's got dodge press and it's overpriced but you get to sit on beds and eat all the best sugary delights and yum), brunch at Albert's Schloss, Wasabi and Leon with my friend (we're on a mission to try all the places we want to and buy everything and share it because variety is the spice of life and all that; and although it hasn't happened yet my mum is taking me out for a surprise lunch on my birthday somewhere and I can't wait.

It's just so exciting trying something new, sitting in a new environment, getting inspiration for your own meals and basically being Emma Stone here.

8. Doing a facemask and one of those gross nose pore strips where you get to see the blackheads you've peeled off


And on that refined, elegant and probable highlight of the post, what are the little things in life which make you happy?

Honor xxx


  1. This is such a lovely post. You're so right, we definitely should try and appreciate the little things more <3 Don't get me started on the cat cuddles!

    Lois |


  2. Thank you, it was so nice writing it and reminiscing about things :)

    Lots of love xxxx
