Best Of British Summers

Monday 25 July 2016 • No comments

I don't know about you, but this weather has got me walking around with a permanent smile on my face. The sun really shows England at its best, and it's given me a renewed love for my surroundings, and an appreciation for summer at home.

I was scrolling through my pictures of the summer so far, and thought I'd round up some of my highlights, hopefully inspiring you to make the most of what's on your doorstep!

BBQs/Eating Outside

Summer's the time for salads, BBQs and trying gorgeous new recipes with fresh seasonal ingredients. And I don't know why, but I swear it always tastes nicer outside! 

For this salad, I tossed spinach, tomatoes, avocado, mozzarella, roasted chickpeas and pistachios with olive oil and balsamic vinegar- perfect for a light supper when it's so hot and the idea of something heavy seems horrible.

Plus you can't go wrong with a good G n T!


Not your typical sport to go and see! On a completely spontaneous whim, mum and I went for a day out to Guards Polo Club to see the Royal Salute Coronation Cup, and it was honestly one of the best days out I've had in a while.

I'd never been before, but the match was probably the most exciting live sport I've seen- I was on the edge of my seat the whole time! The speed and power of the ponies was incredible, and the polo players were just ridiculously talented.

It's an amazing experience, from going onto the field at half time to smooth it down for the second half, to the obligatory Pimms, to the people watching. 

Evening Walks (with or without Pokemon...)

Everyone seems to be outside at the moment, and I think it's a toss up over whether it's Pokemon Go getting everyone moving, or just the balmy evenings.

Either way, being out of the house and into the fresh air is so lovely, especially after a day at work! It's nice exploring your local area, and finding undiscovered places, or going further afield for something completely new.


Me and my bestie went for a picnic in Regents Park last week, and we could hardly believe we were in the middle of central London. Neither of us had ever been there before, and it was like stepping into a small oasis of calm amidst one of the busiest cities on earth.

We could have been almost anywhere, there was a boating lake, little cafes, huge grassy fields and even an open air theatre! 

If you're at a loose end one even, grab some friends, food and a blanket and have a chill in a park near you- perfect to unwind and catch up with your favourite people.

Random things like Barn Dances

Yup, you read that right. A barn dance.

Last week a few of my friends descended on a local barn dance, I had no idea what to expect at all, but it was honestly one of the most fun evenings I've had in a long time. Someone took us through all the dance steps, and although I think I left a few bruises on people's feet, I could hardly stop laughing the whole time. We all made an effort and went full on cowgirl/boy, which definitely added to the fun of it.

Keep an eye out for random events like this near you and give something completely different a go, it could end up being awful, but then at least you've tried something new and got a good story out of it! Plus, you never know who you're going to meet, it could be worth it simply for the cute cowboys!


Do I even need to say anything more?

Honor xxx

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