Beat Those January Blues

Wednesday 13 January 2016 • 1 comment

I've seen quite a few posts about tips on how to banish the post- Christmas slump so I'd thought I'd add some of mine that never fail to boost my mood. I've just got back to uni and despite the yellow walls in my accommodation it's so lovely to be back. Just seeing my friends and being back in London has put me in the best mood, there's no place quite like it. 

Listen to your comfort music, and find something new

Last night I was snuggled up in my duvet, room pitch black apart from laptop glare, massive good quality headphones on and had a steady stream of music. Until a frankly stupid time of around 5am my friend and I sent music recommendations on youtube, and there's something so exciting about discovering a new artist you love. Plus, with no other light or sound, all you focus on is the music and I've found it's such a therapeutic way of forgetting all your troubles, even if just for a short time.

Plan fun things to look forward to

Sometimes the planning and excitement of looking forward to an event is as fun as the thing itself, plus it reminds you that January won't last forever! My friend and I have booked to see Miss Saigon, and we found some super cheap tickets that won't blow all the student loan at once! Theatre and music are two of the things that make me happiest, and if you live in a big city, a quick google search will reveal a multitude of free arts events. A perfect way to spend a loose afternoon in my opinion!

Reminisce with friends and look at old photos

Pick up the phone and call/text an old friend with a memory that always makes you smile,  chances are it'll brighten their day and talking to someone, even about trivial things, always improves how I feel.

I recently decorated my uni room with photos/tickets/flyers and looking through all of them as I was putting them up made me so happy. Some of the goofiest photos made it up there, like the time my best friend and I went to a photo booth and got the worst photo of us taken in front of a Taj Mahal backdrop!

Finally get round to reading that book you've always wanted to

It doesn't have to be a classic, or that new thriller everyone seems to have read and is raving about, I love choosing a book that's been sitting on my shelf and I keep meaning to get round to reading. It's always so satisfying finishing a book, and it's a form of escapism nothing else can compare to for me.

I've recently read the Throne of Glass series by Sarah J. Maas and it blew me away. I adore fantasy novels, but for me it was the characterisation that made the series for me. I finished it so quickly because I just had to find out what happens to them, and the author always keeps you guessing.

Put on your favourite scents

A spritz of my favourite perfume, Chanel Chance Eau Fraiche is an instant mood booster for me. Have a relaxing bath or shower with all your favourite products for a pamper session that should leave you feeling energised but chilled out.

What are your favourite ways to relax and enjoy January?

Honor xxx

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