How To Style | The Statement Coat

Tuesday, 3 October 2017 • 2 comments

Remember me? After starting the year with such high hopes about regularly blogging, it gradually petered out until I ended up posting nothing all summer.... I was definitely stuck in a blogging rut, and couldn't think of any posts I was desperate to write. I think after exams, the last thing I wanted to do was write and concentrate, and I was barely home this summer (although I will never complain about how much travelling I've done).

I'm back feeling ready to write, photograph and get creative again which is the best feeling, and I think living in London during Autumn/Winter helps, because it's definitely my favourite time of the year to live here. We've got it all- overpriced artisanal coffees which taste like Christmas, huge parks to crunch through all the fallen, burnished, beautiful leaves, lights and magical evening walks along the Thames, and ALL the food markets.

After being in Norway for six months, I'm back in London and I have to say, I've missed it. My first proper week back has been a wonderful whirlwind, reminding me of how much I love this city. 

This statement coat has been worth every penny, taking me from Summer to Autumn with ease- instead of chucking it on top of dresses during balmy evenings, I'm toughening it up and cosying up in it as I match my Autumnal surroundings.