5 Things I've Learned From Regularly Working Out

Tuesday, 28 March 2017 • No comments

I know, I know, there's so many fitness posts out there and incredibly toned people which make you wonder how abs can even look like that, but this isn't one of those preachy 'let's all go eat kale' posts. Side note- I actually really kinda love kale now when its stir fried with olive oil and salt sorry not sorry.

Before this year, I was always pretty active, but never really committed to consistently exercise, it was more of a oh maybe I'll go to a yoga class this week. Since coming to Oslo and joining a gym which includes classes in my membership, I've been going at least 4 times a week, and now I can't imagine not working out regularly.

I'm never going to be one of those dreamy bikini goddesses (looking at you Emily Ratajkowski you absolute dreamboat)- when I was a child my mum took me to the Doctor to ask why my stomach was so rounded only to find out that's 'just my shape'... Yay for genetics!! But my aesthetic has gone from 'might occasionally eat a salad and walks around but obvs polishes off family size bags of minstrels' to 'could still eat a giant bag of M&Ms in one sitting but has some form of muscle definition'. And tbh I wouldn't have it any other way.

5 Underrated (And Cheap!) Things To Do In Oslo

Wednesday, 15 March 2017 • No comments

I just had one of those wonderful weekends which really made me appreciate just how lucky I am. Lucky to have the chance to live and study in a beautiful Scandinavian city. Lucky to have amazing people in my life. Lucky to have the chance to really make the most of my time in Oslo, and to experience everything I possibly can.

Having visitors always makes me fall in love with Oslo more. Seeing this incredible city through the eyes of someone who has never been here before, seeing the awe at the vast, sweeping landscapes, and general delight at the way of life. A quick google will give you a long list of things to do and places to see here, but I wanted to add my own suggestions. These are five of my favourite things to do in Oslo, and things which I'd say are supremely underrated, like Oslo itself really.

1. Tobogganing

Happiness Toolkit | What Makes Me Get Up Every Day

Monday, 6 March 2017 • 2 comments

My yoga instructor is a bit of a babe, if only for the reason that at the start of every class, he talks about things which always get me thinking and contemplating, which then often leads to inspiration for a post. The other day he was discussing the concept that if we can identify what makes us happy, then we can replicate this every day and always be content in life.

Although I love the sentiment, this seems a bit simplistic to me. Life throws curveballs at us, or it may not be possible to recreate exact situations which brought you joy. A hedonistic lifestyle and simply living for pleasure may sound appealing initially, but we all know this is unrealistic and unsustainable. However, this got me thinking about what really makes me happy. Like an inner glow, little knot of anticipation and excitement within me, involuntary smiles and the contentment of my cat stretching out decadently on the sofa, bathing in the soft glow of the sun.

Lying on a beach, book in hand and a pina colada next to me; reaching the top of Machu Picchu in time to see the sunrise over the magnificent peaks; winter walks with my family in the countryside, far away from everything; dinners with friends where you talk about anything and everything; all of these are moments when I'm at my most elated. I realised that specific as these moments are, I could clearly see the things which complete my life.

(Side note: does anyone else find selecting pictures for your post far more difficult than actually writing it?! Like, is this relevant/interesting/aesthetically appealing? Idk, I just know I like this jacket and the fact that I'm smiling so much my eyes disappear, so there's a highly tenuous connection to this post)

My Weekend Guide to Tromsø in Norway

Friday, 3 March 2017 • No comments

People come to Tromsø for the Northern Lights, but I'll stay, and return for everything else this special place has to offer. I went there purely with the intention of seeing the famous Aurora Borealis (we saw the green Northern cloud... it was definitely the lights but not quite on the level you see on the pictures), but I would have gone even with the knowledge that I wouldn't see the lights in all their glory. I do however have a rather lovely selfie of my friend and I with the lights, which is totally 100% real and definitely not just a picture of us in front of a large poster of them....

I've never been so far north before, and it was pretty special to get to visit the Arctic Circle. It's a place of endless wonders, of mountains smothered in snow, of sea so incredibly clear and vibrant the bottom was visible peering down from the bridge, of picture perfect houses, and the general feeling that you were living in a snow globe temporarily.

Monthly Challenges | March

Wednesday, 1 March 2017 • No comments

Oh my days did March sneak up on anyone else super quickly?! It feels like Christmas was just a few weeks ago (but that might be due to the absence of Spring and the near continuous snow and ice here...)

I really enjoyed having challenges last month, and forcing myself to step out of my comfort zone a bit. Although some worked better than others (talking to you chocolate- definitely a fan of reducing sugar in other ways and still indulging occasionally), others, like talking to a new person every day was great.

This month, my challenges are slightly more relaxed and mundane, but I think will definitely help to keep up the great quality of life I'm currently enjoying in Oslo. So without further ado/rambling, I give you my March challenges!